It Pays to Know What’s in Your Forklift’s Warranty

Whether you bought a new or used forklift or just leased one, most likely some type of warranty or guarantee came with your vehicle. Knowing what your forklift warranty includes could make the difference between getting the most for your money or losing out on benefits to which you are entitled.

Warranties come in all shapes, sizes, and types. Some are based on time — such as a 1-year, 5-year, or 10-year warranty — while others are based on the total number of miles or use-hours your vehicle is driven. For example, you may have a 10,000-mile warranty or  5,000 use-hour warranty, depending on the vehicle.

Where’s Your Warranty?

The warranty exists to protect both the buyer/renter and the manufacturer of the forklift. That’s because it clearly spells out in black and white who is responsible for what when it comes to your lift truck. Essentially, the warranty is a binding contract between the two parties. So if there is ever any question about who needs to pay for repairs, maintenance, or replacement of the vehicle, the warranty is the first place you should look.

So where is your warranty? Being able to access is easily is the first important step if you need to repair or replace a broken forklift. In most instances, the seller/leaser provides a copy of the warranty with the bill of sale or lease documents. Keeping these documents in a safe place such as a file cabinet or safe will ensure you can access them should you need them.

If you can’t find your warranty, contact the seller or lease company. They should have a copy and normally will be more than happy to provide it to you. After all, the warranty protects both parties.

Another option is to look online for a copy of the warranty. But be advised that the warranty provided by the original manufacturer could be different than the warranty on your specific vehicle.

Let the Buyer Beware

Buying or leasing a forklift without a warranty is risky. You should always inquire about the terms of the warranty before committing to any lift truck or industrial vehicle. Ask for a physical paper copy of the warranty from the seller or lease agent. Then read through it carefully to understand exactly what it covers.

In some instances, the warranty may have different coverage for different parts of the vehicle. Or it may provide comprehensive coverage for complete replacement of the vehicle should something go wrong.

Understanding the terms of your warranty allows you to get the most out of your vehicle while protecting you from liability or repair costs should something break or become damaged on your forklift.

About Dan M