How to Jump Start a Dead Forklift Battery
A forklift battery can wear down for any number of reasons. The vehicle could have been used too long before being...
Advantages, Disadvantages of a Diesel Forklift
In two previous blogs I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of electric and propane forklifts. In this blog I...
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Forklifts Are A Viable Option...
While warehouses have been content to use propane, electric, and diesel forklifts there has been a quiet revolution in...
Advantages, Disadvantages of an Electric Forklift
If you are assigned to replace your company’s warehouse forklifts, then you probably are aware that there are a...
Forklift Battery, Maintaining and Extending Its...
The battery serves as the heart of a forklift. It is constantly churning energy so that the forklift can operate. In...
Should You Buy A Forklift?
Deciding on whether to buy or rent forklifts depends on how often you intend to use them, how long you will need them,...
Should You Rent Forklifts?...
Once you have determined the type of forklift you want to get, you need to choose how you will acquire it –- rent or...
Advantages, Disadvantages of Propane Forklifts
In a previous blog I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of electric forklifts. In this blog I intend to do the...
How and When to Recycle Forklift Batteries
Editor’s Note: In today’s Thursday Feature, we look at forklift batteries and the safest ways to recycle...
Forklift Innovations
Technology is always evolving. I bet if you compared the forklift you use today to one your father may have used maybe...