There’s No Such Thing as Too Much Safety

(Courtesy: Keytroller)

Business owners need to make spending decisions all the time. How much should they allocate for labor? Should they invest in expansion of their facilities? Are they paying too little or too much for supplies and materials?

Make the right decision and the business can build profits. But make the wrong choice and it can have disastrous consequences on its bottom line.

But if there’s one area where the return on investment is nearly always positive, it’s safety. Money spent on safety equipment, improving safe workplace conditions, and enhancing employee safety training decreases the risk of accidents, makes workplaces more productive and profitable, and — most importantly — protects people and property.

The True Cost of Ignoring Safety 

The more you can do to increase awareness of forklifts in the workplace, make workers more alert to the potential dangers, and decrease the chances of a dangerous collision between these heavy equipment vehicles and pedestrians, the more you can minimize the risk accident.

A single workplace incident involving a worker injury can have devastating consequences to a business’s finances. Even if the business has liability insurance, workmen’s compensation, and other financial protections, there’s always the possibility of a lawsuit after the fact, not to mention the bad publicity and damage to a business’s reputation.

And if — God forbid — a worker were to be killed in an accident, the business can expect to be scrutinized by federal safety officials, resulting in even further potential financial penalties and possibly even criminal prosecution.

Protective Measures

Conversely, the more companies invest in things like warning lights, backup alarms, carriage bumpers, dome mirrors, safety cages, concrete barriers, and other forklift safety equipment and supplies, the less likely a workplace accident will be to occur.

While it’s difficult to put a price on the cost of avoiding an accident in terms of dollars, the human factor is easy to envision. No business owner wants to be responsible for injuring or killing one of its workers.

Investing in forklift safety equipment can not only help prevent that from happening but also create a culture of safety that can improve productivity as well as worker satisfaction and security.

Investing in the Future

When workers are safe, businesses are safer. Investing in forklift safety equipment and supplies is a sound investment in employee’s health and safety, as well as in the business’s future growth and profitability.

Any workplace accident that can be avoided boosts the bottom line and makes the business stronger, better, and more profitable.

About Dan M